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  • Clutter-Free Your Home

  • Secrets to Declutter, Clean and Organise Your Home. The Ultimate Guide with Ideas, Habits and Plans for a Perfectly Organized Life
  • De : Noelle Gill
  • Lu par : Gary Tredwell
  • Durée : 2 h et 58 min

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Clutter-Free Your Home

De : Noelle Gill
Lu par : Gary Tredwell
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    Follow the lead of interior designer Noelle Gill, with ideas, plans, and habits. We will clear clutter, clean, and organize. Let's edit our home for a perfect, organized life, where style and function meet.

    With space-saving solutions for every single room in your home, organizing your stuff has never been so fun!

    How does a messy house affect you?

    Clutter may lead to decreased focus, confusion, and tension.

    In some ways, clutter and mess is linked to negative emotions like confusion, tension, and irritability while an organized home tends to produce more positive emotions like calmness and a sense of well-being.

    The Konmari Method

    Get rid of items that no longer have a purpose (or no longer "spark joy") and keep items that are purposeful and meaningful.

    In this guide, you’ll find:

    • An untidy house "confuses" the brain and sleep is also affected
    • Exercise
    • Negative relationships and toxic behaviors in the home
    • Feng shui
    • The Konmari and Marie Kondo method
    • Decluttering: practical advice
    • One hundred useless things to throw away
    • The five “nots” of the superfluous object
    • Organizing the house: the 30-day challenge
    • How to organize the kitchen
    • Clean the house naturally
    • Five tricks to keep the children's room tidy and organized
    • Weekly planning
    • The Konmari method
    • Tips for ordering the living room
    • How to organize a small bathroom
    • And much, much more!
    ©2022 Noelle Gill (P)2023 Noelle Gill

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