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Couverture de Cloaked Deception

Cloaked Deception

De : Timothy Zahn
Lu par : Peter Berkrot
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    From Timothy Zahn, Hugo Award winner and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Star Wars: Heir to the Empire, comes this pulse-pounding political thriller.

    A tactical nuclear weapon is stolen from an Indian research facility, setting off a chain of events that spans the globe.

    Those behind the heist plan to use it to take out thousands of innocent people—all to assure death of a single man who they believe is too dangerous to be left alive.

    What are the lives of thousands compared to the safety of the world?

    At the same time, scientists have invented the world’s first cloaking device, able to render its user almost completely invisible. It’s the epitome of hidden-in-plain-sight—a game changer for any military. At least until three of the lead scientists are murdered and their work is stolen the night before their first demonstration.

    Authorities have no idea the two crimes are connected.

    There are ten days before the bomb is set to go off.

    Can they unravel the trail of red herrings in time?

    The clock is ticking...

    The legendary Timothy Zahn, best-known for creating the popular Thrawn character last seen in Star Wars: Ahsoka, returns with this original, binge-worthy thriller. CLOAKED DECEPTION is filled with twists and turns and a blistering conclusion you'll never see coming!

    ©2024 Aethon Books (P)2024 Aethon Audio

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