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De : Dick Snyder
Lu par : Jeff Lemucchi
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Can Jonas Kirk, a wealthy, white, middle-class, twenty-something orphan find a purpose in life? Thoughtful detective work appeals to him, especially when it solves homicides that seem to puzzle the local police in Woodland Park, Minnesota. In Click, Kirk reaches out to Sergeant Chester Devlin, sharing an insight that solves a case, creating a working confidence that matches the distant, clean, and tidy Kirk with the ambitious, messy, dogged Devlin. Always outside the political establishment, Kirk's independence serves him well in appreciating quirky human behavior and linking it to motives for murder. 

In time, he finds a woman who shares his sense of loose commitment, touches up against the rules of religious rituals, learns a lot about poison and accidents, samples the potions of witches, and solves crimes with a gentle humor and growing appreciation for Sergeant, later Lieutenant, Devlin. 

Enjoy this first book in which Kirk explains why a bathroom accident is murder, and share his thoughtful emergence from playboy to puckish provider of homicidal justice. 

©2016 Dick Snyder (P)2019 Dick Snyder
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