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De : Alia Trabucco Zerán, Sophie Hughes - translator
Lu par : Silvana Kane
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    'A masterclass in suspense' PAULA HAWKINS

    ‘A spellbinding nightmare’ FERNANDA MELCHOR

    ‘A book of intense power’ PHILIPPE SANDS

    The shockingly compulsive new literary thriller from the International Booker-shortlisted author of The Remainder.

    Clean begins with an inescapable fact: a girl has died. Told by Estela, a maid to a wealthy, middle class family who speaks to us from a locked room, we hear of her plight and the circumstances that led to this moment. As we enter into her account of her daily existence, we see how her apparently simple life begins to sour, but would that drive her to the unthinkable?

    Disturbing and profound, Clean explores domestic work, class and violence, against the backdrop of Chile’s changing political landscape. This is one of the most daring and compelling thrillers in international literature.

    'I hardly paused for breath' ALICE SLATER, author of Death of a Bookseller

    'Disturbing and commanding' LALINE PAULL, author of Pod

    'Terrifying, explosive and exhilarating' KATIE KITAMURA, author of Intimacies

    ‘Beautifully written and profound’ LUCIE WHITEHOUSE, author of Last Witness

    ©2024 Alia Trabucco Zerán (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers

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