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  • Clean, Declutter and Organise Your Home: 3 Books in 1

  • Edit Your Home and Your Life in the Perspective of Sustainable Minimalism and in the Ancient and Wonderful Style of Wabi Sabi
  • De : Noelle Gill
  • Lu par : Gary Tredwell
  • Durée : 9 h et 12 min

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Clean, Declutter and Organise Your Home: 3 Books in 1

De : Noelle Gill
Lu par : Gary Tredwell
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    How relaxing is it to come home and find an orderly environment? And how convenient is it to find what you were looking for right away and at your fingertips?

    If you think it is complicated to reorganize spaces, especially if they are very small, then here you will find the solution for you. Less is more! Minimalism is a real art that can make your life easier. The wabi-sabi opens you mournfully.

    If you want to get rid of the superfluous and relive the environments in the name of harmony, this book is all you need to make room and reorganize your daily life. Minimalism is not simply the art of furnishing, but a real philosophy of life. The focus lies in the search for what makes us happy to eliminate everything else. A conscious search to lighten life which translates into greater freedom and more time available. On the other hand, you too know that feeling of well-being that you experience when you find everything in order: you feel relaxed, because everything is in its place. You can experience that relaxing state every day with minimalism.

    Author Noelle Gill has condensed the three books into a single volume to let you experience the peace and tranquility that only decluttering, the philosophy of wabi-sabi, and the minimalist approach can give.

    Here's what you will learn in detail:

    • The minimalist philosophy.
    • The philosophy of Wabi-Sabi: finding beauty in imperfection.
    • Meditation to clear and clear the mind.
    • Whole-home decluttering.
    • Valuable tips for arranging the wardrobe and freeing the bookcase.
    • Much more!
    ©2022 Noelle Gill (P)2023 Noelle Gill

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