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  • Clay, Water, Brick

  • Finding Inspiration from Entrepreneurs Who Do the Most with the Least
  • De : Jessica Jackley
  • Lu par : Jessica Jackley
  • Durée : 7 h et 47 min

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Clay, Water, Brick

De : Jessica Jackley
Lu par : Jessica Jackley
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    In the tradition of Kabul Beauty School and Start Something That Matters comes an inspiring story of social entrepreneurship from the cofounder of Kiva, the first online microlending platform for the working poor.  

    Meet Patrick, who had next to nothing and started a thriving business using just the ground beneath his feet.

    Blessing, who built her shop right in the middle of the road, refusing to take the chance that her customers might pass her by.

    Constance, who cornered the banana market in her African village with her big personality and sense of mission.  

    Patrick, Blessing, Constance and many others are among the poorest of the world’s poor. And yet they each had crucial lessons to teach Jessica Jackley - lessons about resilience, creativity, perseverance and, above all, entrepreneurship.  

    For as long as she could remember, Jackley, the cofounder of the revolutionary microlending site Kiva, had a singular and urgent ambition: to help alleviate global poverty. She believes that many of the most inspiring entrepreneurs in the world are not focused on high-tech ventures or making a lot of money; instead, they wake up every day and build better lives for themselves, their families and their communities, regardless of the things they lack or the obstacles they encounter.   

    In Clay, Water, Brick, Jackley challenges listeners to embrace entrepreneurship as a powerful force for change in the world.

    ©2015 Jessica Jackley (P)2020 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd


    "Jessica Jackley didn't wait for permission to change the world – she just did it. It turns out that you can too." (Seth Godin) 

    "This book is inspirational. And honest and practical.... Well written, thoughtful: a selfless account of how to succeed by doing right and following your heart." (Booklist

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