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Couverture de Clay Country

Clay Country

De : Rowena Summers
Lu par : Anna Cordell
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    An emotional saga of love, pain and family, perfect for fans of Katie Flynn, Rosie Goodwin and Maureen Lee.

    Can she keep the promise she made?

    When Morwen Tremayne read her vows to Ben Killigrew, now master of the greatest clay works in Cornwall, she swore to stay by his side until death parted them. Had she known how closely she would have to hold to those words, she would still have sworn them a thousand times and with all her heart....

    The Killigrew fortune was built on the sweet earth of Cornwall. But that which is born from the earth shall eventually return and when crushing disaster strikes the foundation of Ben and Morwen’s life together is shaken to its very core. Pushed to breaking point, they are forced to question whether the love which bloomed in the sun can flower once more in darker days.

    ©1987 Rowena Summers (P)2020 Bolinda Publishing

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