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Couverture de Classic Detective Stories: Boxed

Classic Detective Stories: Boxed

De : Robert Barr, Jacques Futrelle, Arthur Morrison, Baroness Orczy, Guy Boothby, Nick Carter, R. Austin Freeman
Lu par : Walter Covell, Walter Zimmerman, Cindy Killavey, Donna Barkman
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    When your ears are itching to hear a great detective story, this boxed set, by some of the cleverest authors in history, can satisfy that itch. This boxed set includes all the stories from Volumes 1,2 and 3 of Classic Detective Stories. Titles included are:

    "The Assyrian Rejuvenator" by Clifford Ashton

    "The Ripening Rubies" by Max Pemberton

    "The Murder at Troytes Hill by C. L Perkins

    "The Absent Minded Coterie" by Robert Barr

    "How He Cut His Stick" by M. Bodkin

    "The Problem of Cell 13" by Jacques Futrelle

    "The Unknown Weapon" by Andrew Forrester

    The Lenton Croft Robberies by Arthur Morrrison

    "The Case of the Dixon Torpedo" by Arhur Morrison

    "The Glascow Mystery" by Baroness Orczy

    "The Empty House" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    "The Six Napoleons" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    "The Stolen Cigar Case" by Bret Harte

    "The Nicobar Bullion Case" and "The Affair of the Tortoise" by Arthur Morrison

    "The Blood Red Cross" by L.T. Meade and Robert Eustace

    "The Fatal Cipher" by Jacques Futrelle

    "The Duchess of Wilshire's Diamonds" by Guy Boothby

    "The Mystery of Mrs. Dickinson" by Nick Carter

    "The Stolen White Elephant" by Mark Twain

    "The Red-Headed League" and "The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    "The Purloined Letter" and "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" by Edgar Allan Poe

    "Mr. Policeman and the Cook" by Wilkie Collins

    "The Mandarin's Pearl" by R. Austin Freeman

    "The Blue Sequin" by R. Austin Freeman

    "The Chicago Heiress" by Cliffard Ashdown

    "The Case of Mr. Geldard's Elopment" by Arthur Morrison

    "The Case of the Ward Land Tabernacle" by Arthur Morrison

    "The Liverpool Mystery" by Baroness Orczy

    "The Case of Miss Eliot" by Baroness Orczy

    "The Little Old Man of Batignolle" by Emile Gaborioux

    "The Secret of the Fox Hunter" by William Le Queux

    "The Staircase at the Heart's Delight" by Anna Katherine Green

    "The Adventure of the Naval Treaty" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Public Domain (P)2024 Jimcin Recordings

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