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Couverture de Clarity: Business Wisdom to Work Less and Achieve More

Clarity: Business Wisdom to Work Less and Achieve More

De : Jim Vaselopulos
Lu par : Jim Vaselopulos
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    Find your clarity and success will find you!

    Clarity can mean different things to different people. For some, it arrives in the form of an answer or a direction. For others, it’s understanding the context of a complex situation. For most, however, clarity evokes a calm and focused state of mind with lower stress and diminished anxiety over what to do next.

    As satisfying as it is to help people find clarity with their business problems, it’s far more rewarding to teach someone how to find their own clarity. That’s the purpose of this book–to describe how people can find the clarity to help manage, grow, and lead their businesses to greater success.

    Any executive, leader, or owner can benefit from greater clarity regarding their business. Let Clarity show you how you can:

    • Learn to quickly sift through distractions and address the real issues.
    • Identify the core problems affecting your business and impeding your success.
    • Develop the curiosity to destroy assumptions and find solutions.
    • Enhance your awareness of the emotions and context that lead us astray.
    • Improve your success with better sequencing, timing, and patience.
    • Create Conscious Competence around the most impactful parts of your business.
    • Develop your own Business Wisdom® to see the world clearly!


    ©2023 Jim Vaselopulos (P)2024 Jim Vaselopulos

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