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Couverture de Claiming Your Mind, Claiming Your Sovereignty

Claiming Your Mind, Claiming Your Sovereignty

De : Anne Elizabeth PhD
Lu par : Sienna Johnston
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    As a healer and a seeker of truth, Dr. Anne Elizabeth has been searching
    for the origins of consciousness, thinking, and spiritual connection
    throughout her lifetime. She has explored many philosophies and
    found the work of Rudolf Steiner; a most comprehensive diamondmind
    view of our relationship to the cosmos and ourselves. She has
    experienced many spiritual contacts as well as spiritual pilgrimages
    to England, France and Spain following the path of Mary, the mother
    of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and continues her quest for spiritual
    sovereignty in connection with her Future Self and the support of the
    Marconics Chronos Guild.
    Through the many spiritual pathways explored, Dr. Elizabeth has found
    the work of Rudolf Steiner and anthroposophy to hold a deep global
    and comprehensive perspective of the connections between our earth,
    our planet and the ways in which we are infl uenced by the planetary
    system in which we live. Beyond this matrix, Dr. Elizabeth discovered the
    Marconics Chronos Guild which facilitated her healing and ascension
    process with her Future Self into enduring grace multidimensionality.

    ©2023 Anne Elizabeth Ph.D. (P)2024 Anne Elizabeth Ph.D.

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