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Couverture de Claiming Innocence

Claiming Innocence

De : JoAnne Michels
Lu par : Mark Deakins
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    Claiming Innocence is like no other book you've ever read or listen to. Filled with vivid, memorable characters, it teems with high adventure in times of brutality and duress, offset by strong bonds of love and loyalty. 

    Mark becomes highly adaptable, driven by revenge through times of extreme violence and life on the run, even taking refuge with a tribe of cannibals. Ultimately a feel-good listen, this is a pause-resister, authored with precision, sensitivity, and care.

    About the author:

    JoAnne Harris Michels is the mother of eight children and 27 grandchildren and was named California Mother of the Year in 2015. She is involved in humanitarian projects at home and abroad, including Ayuda, which provides dental care in developing countries; The Globe Theater in London; and the Sean Michels School for Special Needs Children in Kenya. She lectures locally for OUR (Operation Underground Railroad) which fights to combat human trafficking, specifically child sexual slavery. She lives with her husband Jerry (her consigliere) in Los Angeles, California, and is currently in the process of publishing her second book Moments.

    ©2019 JoAnne Michels (P)2019 JoAnne Michels

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