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City of Likes

De : Jenny Mollen
Lu par : Jenny Mollen
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    A wickedly funny and sharply insightful novel about motherhood, female friendships, and the seductive allure of social media culture from the New York Times bestselling author of I Like You Just The Way I Am and Live Fast Die Hot.

    In Jenny Mollen's observant novel, the world of momfluencers is a dazzling and dangerous backdrop for a story about friendship, deceit, ambition, and how we choose to let the world see us"—Town and Country Magazine

    Recommend by Good Morning America • People Magazine • The View • Rachael Ray • Good Day NY • Access Daily • Women's Day Magazine • New York Post • USA Today • Hamptons Magazine • The Hasty Book List

    Megan Chernoff is a talented but unemployed copywriter in an identity crisis after the birth of her second child. Seeking a fresh start, she and her family move to New York City, where she meets Daphne Cole—a gorgeous, stylish, well-known momfluencer. To Meg's surprise and delight, Daphne shows an inordinate amount of interest in Meg, showering her with compliments, attention, gifts, and all the perks that come with having a massive digital platform. Before she knows it, Meg finds herself immersed in Daphne's world—hobnobbing at exclusive power mama supper clubs, partaking in fancy wellness rituals, and reveling in the external validation she gets from her followers who grow daily by the thousands. Her friendship with Daphne, as well as the world she's been granted access to, is intoxicating and all-consuming. But is it authentic? When Meg realizes she's losing track of what matters most—her relationship with her sons and her husband—the deep cracks in Daphne's carefully curated façade are finally exposed. It's up to Meg to find her way back to her real life. But first she must determine what "real" even means.

    Written with Jenny Mollen's signature razor sharp wit, City of Likes is a compulsively entertaining, unforgettable, and unsettling satire of modern life and relationships in a “pics or it didn't happen” world.

    ©2022 NacelleBooks (P)2023 NacelleBooks


    City of Likes has Jenny Mollen’s trademark lacerating humor and her ear for the outrageous, but this novel brings a new level of pathos to her writing. It’s a dark and engrossing satire of motherhood, wealth, and friendship, laced with insight into the danger of remaking ourselves in the social media age. To be gulped down in one sitting.”—Stephanie Danler, New York Times bestselling author of Stray and Sweetbitter

    “Jenny Mollen tackles the novel with all the signature hilarity, insight, and page-turning candor that she brings to her memoirs. A rollicking, joyful read that will make you want to put down the phone—and pick up a book.”—Rebecca Serle, New York Times bestselling author of One Italian Summer

    “Jenny Mollen’s City of Likes is a propulsive story of motherhood, social media, and obsession—and the ways we can lose ourselves in each. A delightful blend of social commentary, dark humor, and good old-fashioned suspense that I devoured in two days.”—Emily Henry, #1 New York Times bestselling author of People We Meet on Vacation

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