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Couverture de City of Fear

City of Fear

De : Blake Pierce
Lu par : Kaden Kroll
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    The 1920s. New York City. When a 16-year-old girl from a wealthy Fifth Avenue family is found strangled, murdered on the eve of her society coming-out party, Ava Gold, New York’s first female homicide detective, is called in to find the killer. But she quickly learns that all is not what it seems, even amongst the glamour and glitz of high society’s wealthiest families.

    City of Fear: An Ava Gold Mystery, Book 2 is a new novel in a long-anticipated new series by number one best seller and USA Today best-selling author Blake Pierce, whose best seller Once Gone (a free download) has received more than 1,000 five-star reviews.

    In the rough streets of 1920s New York City, 34 year-old Ava Gold, a widower and single mom, claws her way up to become the first female homicide detective in her NYPD precinct. She is as tough as they come and willing to hold her own in a man’s world. But when a teenage girl is murdered, even Ava is shaken to her core.

    Determined to find justice for the teen girl - and to stop the psychotic killer from killing again - Ava pries into the dangerous rings of powerful high society, finding herself threatened as she is singled out by a tycoon.

    Fighting for her job, trying to stop a killer, and finding herself in an unexpected romantic relationship, Ava finds herself in the battle of her life.

    A heart-pounding suspense thriller filled with shocking twists, this entry in the authentic and atmospheric Ava Gold Mystery series is a riveting pause-resister, endearing us to a strong and brilliant character who will capture your heart and keep you listening late into the night.

    Books three to six are also available!

    ©2021 Blake Pierce (P)2021 Blake Pierce

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