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Couverture de City Girls Forever

City Girls Forever

De : Patricia Scanlan
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    'One of Scanlan's great strengths is her gift for writing fully rounded characters, and this is Scanlan at her very best' Irish Independent

    The City Girls are back and they're stronger than ever!

    The original City trilogy captured the profound intimacy and drama of the loves of women. In City Girls Forever, Patricia has reunited these much-loved characters, now in their sixties and stronger than ever.

    Number 1 bestselling author Patricia Scanlan is set to capture the hearts and enchant the minds of a whole new generation of readers who will fall in love with her sublime storytelling. A trailblazing women’s fiction author, all of her novels have been #1 international bestsellers. She writes multi-generational family dramas with compassion and authenticity, and a hint of comforting escapism.

    ‘I LOVE this book. There is a real sense of these wise women who are dealing with life, the menopause, their careers and being in charge of their own mental health and yet having great friends. I think it's Patricia Scanlans' strongest book ever!’ Cathy Kelly

    ‘I BAWLED, roared laughing and was on the edge of my seat. It's a masterclass in storytelling - so many strands!! Patricia Scanlan is at the absolutely top of her game. Readers are in for such a treat, Scanlan has returned our girls to us and they are as loveable and as relatable as they ever were’ Ciara Geraghty

    ‘It felt like I’d just bumped into such great old friends… ones I haven’t seen since school and have missed SO much, and am desperately wanting to know everything that’s happened to them… I was in book heaven’ Caroline Grace-Cassidy
    ©2025 Patricia Scanlan (P)2025 Simon & Schuster UK

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