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Couverture de City Dark

City Dark

De : Roger A. Canaff
Lu par : Michael Orenstein
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    A vanished mother, the grip of darkness, a lifelong mystery. Forty years later, a prosecutor faces them all again, this time as a murder suspect in a pulse-pounding legal thriller of psychological suspense.

    On a steaming night in 1977, New York City is plunged into darkness and two boys, Joe and Robbie, are abandoned by their mother, Lois. Forty years to the day after this unforgivable moment, Joe is a hard-drinking ADA and Lois has resurfaced: Joe wakes from another alcoholic fog to learn she’s been found murdered on a Coney Island beach.

    Joe throws himself into his work, struggling to reconcile his memories of Lois with the relative stranger found by the NYPD. And when another murder hits close to home and DNA links Joe to both crimes, he sinks deeper into the abyss. Joe can’t remember a thing. His last hope as the evidence mounts against him is Aideen Bradigan, a brilliant and dogged lawyer from his past.

    It will take Aideen’s drive and Joe’s own shrewd legal mind to uncover a potentially terrifying truth—and to shatter the devastating secrets that claw back to that fateful night in the dark.

    ©2022 Roger A. Canaff (P)2022 Brilliance Publishing, Inc., all rights reserved.


    “Canaff keeps the reader guessing to the end about what happened to Robbie on that fateful night. This character-driven family drama satisfies.”Publishers Weekly

    “With a nicely honed mix of dark passages and surprising revelations, City Dark is a gritty, cleverly plotted, and well written police procedural that will intrigue mystery fans."San Francisco Book Review

    “A pulse pounding thriller from a New York insider. When NYC goes dark, two brothers’ lives are forever altered. Part legal thriller. Part police procedural. City Dark will thrill every reader.”—Robert Dugoni, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author

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