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Couverture de Chuck Berry: A Life from Beginning to End

Chuck Berry: A Life from Beginning to End

De : Hourly History
Lu par : Matthew J. Chandler-Smith
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    Discover the remarkable life of Chuck Berry....

    With his signature guitar that reverberated like a ringing bell, Chuck Berry captured the spirit of teenage rebellion and the joy of the youth culture of the time. His performance style, including his famous duck walk, was as captivating as his music and soon made him a popular figure on stage. His breakout came in the mid-1950s when songs like “Maybellene,” “Roll Over Beethoven,” and “Johnny B. Goode” took America and the world by storm.

    Despite facing multiple legal issues and controversies that somewhat marred his career, Berry’s influence on rock ‘n roll remains unmatched. This book is an immersive exploration of his life, the highs and lows, the cheers and tears, and the melodies that continue to echo in the annals of music history. From his humble beginnings to the spotlight’s glare, explore Chuck Berry’s journey as he transcended his struggles and carved a path for rock ‘n roll in the American music scene.

    Discover a plethora of topics such as

    • Early Life in Missouri
    • Time in Prison
    • The Birth of Rock and Roll
    • Country at the Cosmo
    • Breakthrough
    • Later Years and Death
    • And much more!

    So if you want a concise and informative book on Chuck Berry, simply scroll up, and buy this audiobook now!

    ©2023 Hourly History (P)2023 Hourly History

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