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Couverture de Christmas with the Queen

Christmas with the Queen

De : Hazel Gaynor, Heather Webb
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    A heart-warming Christmas romance from the bestselling authors.

    A new historical romance which opens 70 years ago in the Queen’s first year on the throne in 1952.

    December 1952. As the young Queen Elizabeth II prepares to deliver the first of her traditional Christmas Messages, dedicated staff work behind the scenes to prepare for festive celebrations at the Sandringham Estate. Among the hard workers are Jack Devereaux and Olive Carter – old friends who are about to be reunited.

    Over the course of five years, while Olive works as a royal correspondent and Jack is a chef in the Queen’s household, their paths will cross time and time again. But as the two grow closer, their relationship is threatened by a secret that Olivia is afraid to reveal.

    When the secret comes out on Christmas Day in December 1957, it threatens to tear Olive and Jack apart forever. But maybe Christmas has one last gift to deliver…

    ©2024 Hazel Gaynor and Heather Webb (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    Praise for Hazel and Heather:

    "Utterly delightful and the perfect escape. I loved being swept away to 1930s Paris, Venice, and Vienna alongside Maddie and Clara who, despite their differences, have come together to fulfill their dying grandmother's final wish…A heartwarming and wonderful story about the power of forgiveness and the unbreakable bond of sisters." – Natasha Lester, New York Times bestselling author of The Paris Secret

    "Vibrant and laced with fascinating historical references…this tale of the complicated love between sisters and the mending of fractured relationships will move you, entertain you, and maybe even inspire you to seek out a truer path of your own." – Kristin Harmel, New York Times bestselling author of The Book of Lost Names and The Forest of Vanishing Star

    "Illuminating the importance of family and the power of forgiveness, Three Words for Goodbye beautifully renders the romance of France, Italy and Austria with picturesque streets and culinary delights…I couldn't stop turning the novel's pages until I'd reached the high-octane conclusion." – Meredith Jaeger, USA Today bestselling author of The Dressmaker's Dowry

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