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Couverture de Christmas for the Home Front Girls

Christmas for the Home Front Girls

De : Susanna Bavin
Lu par : Julia Franklin
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    Manchester, December 1940: this winter, the girls boarding at Star House - Betty, Sally and Lorna - are determined to keep a stiff upper lip. But for Lorna - who is dedicated to caring for the wounded with the Women's Voluntary Service - the past is about to come calling. Lorna is heartbroken when the devastating Christmas Blitz reunites her with her ex-fiancé George. . .

    As air raids and rescue missions throw George and Lorna together time and again, it becomes clear that nothing about his visit to Manchester is what it seems. Can George and Lorna work together, despite everything that happened between them? Will Lorna's courage to do all she can for the war effort be enough to save George? And when snow begins to fall on a New Year's Day shattered by the Luftwaffe, will she allow her heart to open once more?

    ©2024 Susanna Bavin (P)2024 Magna Story Sound

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