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  • Christmas Secrets in the Scottish Highlands

  • De : Donna Ashcroft
  • Durée : 6 h et 57 min

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Couverture de Christmas Secrets in the Scottish Highlands

Christmas Secrets in the Scottish Highlands

De : Donna Ashcroft
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    Welcome to Christmas Resort, the festive retreat where the scent of cinnamon is in the air and chocolate yule log is eaten all year round! But with the resort in trouble, can Holliday Harrison save Christmas and find true love along the way?

    Thirty-year-old Holliday Harrison is throwing herself into the festive season to give her life some purpose after losing her fiancé three years ago. Working at Christmas Resort, an all-year-round holiday village, with its sparkling lights and community of quirky characters, is the warm environment she needs right now. But everything is about to change…

    When handsome, blue-eyed businessman Damon MacAndrew arrives to stay in one of the cute log cabins, at first Holly is intrigued. Why has this serious stranger come to such a jolly place? But then he makes his plan clear: Damon wants to buy the resort and change everything about it.

    Determined to put Damon off Christmas Resort, Holly is soon engineering cold showers and setting him up to get lost in the maze. But with freshly baked cookies and delicious hot chocolate available on tap in such a magical setting, it’s hard to find ways to make the resort seem unappealing… Holliday tries her hardest to fight for the resort but the romance of Christmas seems to have other ideas.

    As they take sleigh rides together and spend long evenings in front of the log fire she can’t deny the sizzling attraction between them. But has Damon really fallen in love with the magic of Christmas, or is he still a cold-hearted businessman? And will this turn out to be the best Christmas ever… or will it end in heartbreak?

    This sparkling, festive story featuring an enemies-to-lovers romance is completely addictive and moreish! A gorgeous winter romance that will have you glued. Fans of Cathy Bramley, Trisha Ashley and Debbie Macomber will love this delicious Christmas romance.

    ©2023 Donna Ashcroft (P)2024 Dreamscape Media

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