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  • Christianity for Non-Christians

  • What Do Christians Believe?
  • De : Greg Gillham
  • Lu par : Steven Aaron
  • Durée : 1 h et 14 min

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Christianity for Non-Christians

De : Greg Gillham
Lu par : Steven Aaron
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    We are all in a battle every day of our lives. Satan is waging war on us and God. It's not a war we can see, because it is a spiritual war. 

    Satan is proud, and he's angry that he isn't God. His weapons of warfare are temptation, doubt, anger, lies, deception, other people, and life circumstances. Few people are aware of this - and most do not care to think about it. Everyone is busy with work, bills, children, and a thousand other things. Nevertheless, the battle is real. Satan is trying to trick us into believing that our creator, God, doesn't love us; and he desperately wants to separate us from God.

    During our life, we will choose whom we will follow - Satan or God. And God is going to win his battle with Satan - but that doesn't guarantee that we will be on God's winning side. We, ourselves, must face Satan using weapons provided by God. We will need spiritual weapons for spiritual warfare. There is only one place to find the weapons, but if we find and use them, we will win our battle too.

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