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  • Christian Guided Meditations

  • Daily Devotional for Your Quiet Times with God in Prayer; Use the Fervent Power of the Word to Get Rid of Anxiety and for Better Sleep
  • De : Good News Meditations
  • Lu par : G. L. Charles
  • Durée : 1 h et 27 min

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Christian Guided Meditations

De : Good News Meditations
Lu par : G. L. Charles
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    If you would like to increase the time you spend meditating and thinking on the word of God to get rid of anxiety and find better sleep, then keep on reading....

    According to Joshua [1:8], we are to meditate day and night on the word of God. This is mainly our path to remaining conscious of God’s presence in our lives and to have success in every area of our lives. Meditating on scripture is essential to the Christian lifestyle.

    This is why we have created Christian Guided Meditations, which contains 12 guided meditations of around 5 to 10 minutes each, which will help you in your quiet times with God by transforming your thoughts and your mind, and by helping you train yourself to remain still in God’s presence. Listen to these meditations in the evening before bedtime or in the morning before you start your day, and see how your mind will be transformed, and your life will start to shift to another level.

    In this audiobook, you will find short meditations on the following subjects:

    1. Meditation against anxiety
    2. Meditation for direction
    3. Meditation against fear
    4. Meditation on the forgiveness of God
    5. Meditation on God’s restoration
    6. Meditation on your new life
    7. Meditation on peace
    8. Meditation on God’s protection
    9. Meditation on God’s provision
    10. Meditation on thoughts
    11. Meditation on God’s love
    12. Meditation on healing

    If you’re ready to develop the discipline of meditating on the word of God, then scroll up, and click on the "buy now" button.

    ©2021 Good News Meditations (P)2021 Good News Meditations

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