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Couverture de Chosen: The Two Battles

Chosen: The Two Battles

De : K.I. Price
Lu par : Trevor O'Hare
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    Murder. Betrayal. Mayhem.

    The nefarious Overlord has made his move, and the world of Kambia trembles with fear. But where there is darkness, there is also light, and the Chosen, Empress Zalira, and the wizards of Kambia stand ready to fight.

    Chosen: The Two Battles by K.I. Price is a world-spanning fantasy epic that follows Zuri, Phenyo, Evrik, and Ra as they navigate two great battles with the help of new allies, including a mysterious warrior whose destiny is entwined with their own.

    As the Nevareyt fight to save the massive, ancient tree that serves as their home, the great desert city of Ketsumnatet faces a different kind of threat: a deadly plague that transforms its citizens into flesh-eating monsters. With the Overlord pushing towards his ultimate goal of world domination, our heroes race against time to avert disaster.

    Price's second installment in the Chosen series brims with action, emotion, and unexpected twists. With her masterful world-building and nuanced characters, listeners will be captivated by this coming-of-age tale.

    Will Zuri and his friends emerge triumphant or sink into the abyss of defeat? Get swept away in Chosen: The Two Battles and discover a world of magic, courage, and whimsy!

    ©2023 K.I. Price (P)2023 K.I. Price

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