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Couverture de Children of the Wild

Children of the Wild

De : Krysta Tawlks
Lu par : Magnus Carlssen
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    Is magic a gift...
    or a curse?

    A breathtaking historical fantasy placed in a rich setting reminiscent of Tuck Everlasting with whimsical magic like the films of Hayao Miyazaki.

    In a quaint early 20th century farm town, young Elbert enjoys his ordinary life with his ordinary family.

    Or so he thinks. One day, a burning sensation digs into his chest, gentle breezes chafe his skin, and water stings. Soon, feathers sprout across his body.

    He discovers magic in the hills, mighty creatures lurking near the river. And Elbert might be one of them. But only he can decide whether to grow the magic spark within himself or let it snuff out.

    This poignant story follows a boy struggling with self-doubt and grief, and the ones who give him hope enough to break a curse.

    ©2023 Krysta Tawlks (P)2023 Krysta Tawlks
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