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Couverture de Chicken Boy

Chicken Boy

De : Arthur Parkinson
Lu par : Arthur Parkinson
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    A charming portrait of life in the company of hens, by the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Flower Yard.

    Growing up in an ex-mining town in Nottinghamshire, Arthur Parkinson never wanted a dog, or a cat, or a pony - just hens. As a kid, he was known as 'chicken boy', a taunt Arthur now proudly reclaims with his crested coterie that includes countless hens, from Sheila the white Silkie to Clarissa the champagne-coloured Buff Cochin.

    A personal and humorous memoir of Arthur's life amongst his hens, this is an invitation to discover the joy that is only possible in the company of these intriguing creatures: Pekins are friendly, Lavender Leghorns aloof, while Burford Browns have a bad habit of feather-pecking...

    Having already earned renown as 'king of the small-space garden', Arthur's appreciation for the natural world is inspiring and relatable. The quiet fulfilment of hen-keeping rituals has rescued his mental health from pervasive depression. His sanctuary is the backyard: nurturing chicks who grow into happy hens and planting hardy, chicken scratch-resistant foliage.

    Chicken Boy is a joyful ramble through the hen house - sleeves rolled-up - and a testament to the mutual rewards and delights of keeping hens.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2023 Arthur Parkinson (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    "Arthur's love of living things is completely infectious." (Joanna Lumley)

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