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Couverture de Check My Heart

Check My Heart

De : Christi Barth
Lu par : Gabriel McKnight
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    Can a heartbreaking tragedy lead to the love of a lifetime?

    The death of his little brother turned Kurt Lundquist’s world upside down. He channeled his grief into skating his heart out--and ultimately leading his hockey team to win the championship. Now, all he wants to do is throw a party with the Cup in his brother's honor. He’s got no clue where to start...until he runs into the gorgeous hospice nurse who took such great care of Jasper. She’s waaay off limits, but he’s desperate, and hires her to help him.

    Lisette Broussard’s heart broke a little more every time a patient died. Losing the brave brother of a hockey star was the last straw. Learning a new specialty was supposed to change her life for the better, but it used up her savings. Then the slam dunk job with the New Orleans championship hockey team mysteriously disappears. So she jumps at Kurt’s offer of a job, no matter how temporary. No matter how...dangerous, given how much she’s always crushed on him. No matter how risky it is to fall for Kurt, since he’ll always associate her with the grief of losing his brother.

    But the more time they spend together, the deeper they both fall. Kurt’s heart begins to thaw...and then heat. Lisette can’t resist him, and throws caution to the wind. She’ll take whatever time he gives her. Can they move beyond the pain of the past and focus on a future together?

    ©2017 Christi Barth (P)2024 Scribd, Inc.
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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