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  • ChatGPT, MD

  • How AI-Empowered Patients & Doctors Can Take Back Control of American Medicine
  • De : Robert Pearl
  • Lu par : Robert Pearl MD
  • Durée : 7 h et 48 min

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De : Robert Pearl
Lu par : Robert Pearl MD
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    Doctors and patients have lost control of American medicine. Generative AI can put the power back in their hands, save millions of lives, and restore the doctor-patient relationship.

    Welcome to ChatGPT, MD. In this unique collaboration, renowned healthcare leader Dr. Robert Pearl teams up with the artificial intelligence system ChatGPT to examine the transformational power of generative AI in medicine.

    Together, the co-authors present a vision for the future where doctors, patients, and AI join forces to reclaim control of American healthcare from prevailing corporate interests.

    With engaging narratives and real-world examples, ChatGPT, MD reveals how advanced AI technologies can reduce medical errors, enhance diagnostic precision, ease the growing burden on healthcare professionals, and most importantly, democratize medical expertise, arming patients with the kinds of tools and knowledge once reserved only for doctors.

    While the future looks incredibly promising, the journey will be fraught with challenges. In ChatGPT, MD, Dr. Pearl tackles tough questions concerning technological bias, patient privacy, and the threat of job displacement in an AI-driven healthcare system.

    An indispensable guide for healthcare professionals, patients, and anyone who's disenchanted with the current healthcare system and invested in its future.

    ©2024 Robert Pearl, MD (P)2024 Robert Pearl, MD

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