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  • Chasing Helicity: Into the Wind

  • The Chasing Helicity Series, Book 2
  • De : Ginger Zee
  • Lu par : Katie Schorr
  • Durée : 4 h et 54 min

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Chasing Helicity: Into the Wind

De : Ginger Zee
Lu par : Katie Schorr
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    When Helicity Dunlap flies for Texas to spend time with her best friend Mia, she hopes to leave the tragedies of the devastating tornado and flash flood back in Michigan - at least for a little while. Her responsibilities at Mia's Aunt Suze's beachfront bed-and-breakfast are pretty simple and leave her lots of time to enjoy hunting for sea glass, sunbathing, and exploring a summer romance.

    But Helicity comes by her name honestly - helicity means to spin - and her troubles from home follow her south. Her concerns about her older brother Andy intensify - even though he shows up to surprise her in Texas.

    And if there's one place in the world that has weather to rival Michigan's, it's Texas. She and her friends go out for a day sail and get caught up in a derecho - a line of intense, widespread, and fast-moving windstorms that once again turn her boat - and life - upside down. She'll have to face her fears and muster all her strength and knowledge to fight her way out of the nightmare.

    ©2019 Ginger Zee (P)2019 Blackstone Audio, Inc.

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