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  • Charting a New Course

  • Study Skills for Career Changers
  • De : Joel Roman
  • Lu par : Tim Allwein
  • Durée : 5 h et 4 min

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Charting a New Course

De : Joel Roman
Lu par : Tim Allwein
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    Unlock the path to your dream career with proven strategies to overcome learning fears, align your passions, and thrive in your new beginning!

    The fear of failure, the uncertainty of the unknown, and the anxiety over starting from scratch can be paralyzing. Not to mention the concerns over providing for your family and maintaining financial stability. The stakes are high, and the path is fraught with obstacles.

    But here's the inspiring truth: You have the power to overcome these challenges.

    This book is your trusted companion, ready to guide you from the first hesitant step to the triumphant leap into your new career.

    Inside, you'll discover:

    • The art of embracing change–strategies to face the challenges of mid-life career transitions head-on and find the positive path forward
    • How to overcome learning fears, with techniques to help you release anxiety and foster a growth mindset
    • Accelerated learning techniques–practical and effective methods that enable rapid skill development and make mastering new abilities an exciting journey
    • A guide to discovering what truly ignites your spirit and how to align that passion with real-world career choices
    • Techniques to release test anxiety–simple yet powerful routines to ease test-related stress
    • How to communicate with family and find mentors in your new field, creating a nurturing environment for your career change
    • How to sustain momentum and growth–equip yourself with ongoing strategies to keep you thriving in your new career

    And much more!

    You have the power to chart a new course, and this book is your compass, guiding you every step of the way.

    Begin your journey toward a rewarding new career. Click "Add to Cart" now.

    ©2023, 2024 Joel Roman (P)2024 Joel Roman

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