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Couverture de Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win

Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win

De : Jo Piazza
Lu par : Tavia Gilbert
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    One of Cosmopolitan’s Most Anticipated Books for 2018

    From Jo Piazza, the best-selling author of The Knock Off, How to Be Married, and Fitness Junkie, comes an exciting, insightful novel about what happens when a woman wants it all - political power, a happy marriage, and happiness - but isn’t sure just how much she’s willing to sacrifice to get it.

    Charlotte Walsh is running for Senate in the most important race in the country during a midterm election that will decide the balance of power in Congress. Still reeling from a presidential election that shocked and divided the country, and inspired by the chance to make a difference, she’s left behind her high-powered job in Silicon Valley and returned, with her husband, Max, and their three young daughters, to her downtrodden Pennsylvania hometown to run in the Rust Belt state.

    Once the campaign gets underway, Charlotte is blindsided by just how dirty her opponent is willing to fight, how harshly she is judged by the press and her peers, and how exhausting it becomes to navigate a marriage with an increasingly ambivalent and often resentful husband. When the opposition uncovers a secret that could threaten not just her campaign but everything Charlotte holds dear, she has to decide just how badly she wants to win and at what cost.

    A searing, suspenseful story of political ambition, marriage, class, sexual politics, and infidelity, Charlotte Walsh Likes to Win is an insightful portrait of what it takes for a woman to run for national office in America today. In a dramatic political moment like no other, with more women running for office than ever before, Jo Piazza’s novel is timely, engrossing, and perfect for listeners on both sides of the aisle.

    ©2018 Jo Piazza (P)2018 Simon & Schuster Audio

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