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Couverture de Chaotic Good

Chaotic Good

De : Sabrina Benaim
Lu par : Sabrina Benaim
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    From the author of Depression and Other Magic Tricks and I Love You, Call Me Back, a special new collection of poems and stories—available only as an audio exclusive. For fans of Rupi Kaur and Hanif Abdurraqib.

    From acclaimed spoken word poet Sabrina Benaim comes a dazzling audio-exclusive collection of poems and stories that capture the journey of finding oneself amidst the highs and lows of being alive. From a meditation on her daily skincare routine, to lifting depression’s fog, to the medicine of music and a devotion to Beyoncé, Chaotic Good alternates between feeling like your best friend whispering in your ear and shouting a confession at you from a crowded party.

    Returning Sabrina to her spoken word roots with full force, and steeped in her signature vulnerability and sparkling wit, Chaotic Good is an ode to staying true to yourself despite external forces and a celebration of modern ritual and worship in the search for something to believe in.

    ©2023 Sabrina Benaim (P)2023 Doubleday Canada

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