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Couverture de Change Your Questions, Change Your Future

Change Your Questions, Change Your Future

De : Elliott E. Connie, Adam S. Froerer
Lu par : Elliott E. Connie, Adam S. Froerer
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    A practical and hopeful guide that teaches you how to ask yourself the right questions in order to create a new vision for your future.

    What outcome do you want from reading this book?
    What difference would it make if you could attain it?
    How would you notice the change it made in your life?

    The questions we ask ourselves are powerful tools that can change the trajectory of our lives. In this practical and hopeful guide, psychotherapist Elliot Connie and Adam Froerer, teach that getting honest and asking yourself the right questions enables you to create a new vision for your future that is hopeful and full of previously unimagined possibility. Your actions and beliefs will then align with your new vision as you employ the tips, strategies, and practices that can be turned to time and time again in a variety of situations.

    Using case studies, success stories, and the latest research in the field of SFBT, listeners are given the tools, knowledge, and confidence to apply SFBT principles that will shift their perspective, retrain their brain, and change their relationship to their future.

    ©2024 Elliott E. Connie (P)2024 Hay House LLC

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