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Couverture de Chameleon


De : Remi Adeleke
Lu par : Remi Adeleke
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    "Delivering authentic action from someone who has lived it, Chameleon is on target and scores a direct hit!"—Jack Carr, former Navy SEAL and #1 New York Times bestselling author

    From filmmaker, memoirist, and former Navy SEAL Remi Adeleke, on the heels of his featured roles in the box office film Plane and in Fox’s Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test, comes the first installment in the pulse-pounding Black Box Thriller series, featuring Nigerian-born and New York-raised Kali Kent and the top-secret Black Box program—perfect for fans of Jack Carr, Mark Greaney, and Brad Taylor.

    When a mysterious former South African commando, Lucas Van Groot, begins taking wealthy hostages all over the world, it appears at first to be a typical ransom gambit. However, it soon becomes clear that his “Hostage Inc.” venture is manipulating worldwide stock markets and threatening global economic collapse.

    Enter Black Box, the CIA’s elite, secret special operations branch—so surreptitious that not even the Director of CIA is fully privy to the unit’s activities. Black Box is composed of highly skilled agents who perform with precision:

    • Chameleons who can transform into myriad characters,
    • Ghosts who are specialists in stealth and surveillance,
    • Wind operatives who are transportation experts, and
    • Aberration agents whose specialty is deep cover for years.

    Kali Kent, a Nigerian born and Bronxite Chameleon in the Black Box program, leads the hunt for Van Groot. Tracking this ringleader and his cadre of international criminals, the team discovers the South African mastermind is after a much larger prize and the race is on to prevent a worldwide tragedy.

    Along the way, Kali will have to face the demons from his childhood and reflect on his emotional path that made him the Chameleon that he is today.

    ©2023 Remi Adeleke (P)2023 HarperCollins Publishers

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