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  • Celts for Kids: An Enthralling Overview of Celtic History, Ancient Britons, and Their Conflicts with the Romans

  • Travel through Time
  • De : Billy Wellman
  • Lu par : Jay Herbert
  • Durée : 1 h et 1 min

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Celts for Kids: An Enthralling Overview of Celtic History, Ancient Britons, and Their Conflicts with the Romans

De : Billy Wellman
Lu par : Jay Herbert
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    Dive into the enchanting world of the Celts!

    Do you know whose culture outlasted the mighty Romans? The Celts! Their culture still sparks wonder today. But who were these incredible people, and how did their legacy shape the world we know?

    Journey Back to the Iron Age! Imagine a time over three thousand years ago in Western Europe, where the Celts lived vibrant lives long before the Romans and Anglo-Saxons stepped onto the scene. Discover a world where history is not just about dates but about astonishing tales of resilience and creativity.

    Prepare for an Adventure! This isn’t just any history book. It’s a time machine designed for young explorers! With simple language and fun activities, we’ll uncover the mysteries of the Celts.

    Become a young historian! Through the lens of modern science, we’ll piece together puzzles from the past, correcting old tales and uncovering the true story of our ancestors. This journey will help you to understand our roots, our shared history, and the incredible legacy of the Celts.

    Here are some of the things the children in your life will discover:

    • The origins of the Celts and their widespread influence across Britain and Ireland
    • How DNA studies help to unravel their fascinating past
    • Their innovative lifestyles, stunning art, and deep-rooted beliefs
    • The heroes of their tales: were they myth or reality?

    Ready to embark on this magical journey through history? Perfect for curious minds and young dreamers, this book makes history come alive with stories that inspire.

    ©2024 Billy Wellman (P)2024 Billy Wellman
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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