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  • Celebrating Unemployment

  • How to Avoid Becoming a Crunchy Couch Burrito
  • De : Deborah Levin
  • Lu par : Jennifer Lozaw
  • Durée : 2 h et 26 min

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Celebrating Unemployment

De : Deborah Levin
Lu par : Jennifer Lozaw
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    Unemployment does not have to suck

    "Celebrating Unemployment: How to Avoid Becoming a Crunchy Couch Burrito" is a book helping people stay positive after losing their job. It shares steps to move forward and find their dream job. It acknowledges being unemployed is depressing and shows ways to feel better and keep going.
    What's included in this book:

    • Survival budgeting tactics
    • Short-term income strategies
    • Resume and cover letter techniques
    • Job search opportunities
    • Interview approaches
    • Changing careers
    • Finding work that makes you happy

    Since the author also experienced unemployment, she understands reading about job-related topics can cause worry and anxiety. She writes with empathy, giving useful advice on dealing with unemployment and offering practical ways to overcome personal challenges. By dealing with these issues directly, you gain the knowledge and build the positive attitude needed to change problems into opportunities for a better future.

    This book also shares insights about taking care of yourself and staying strong mentally. Overall, it's a guide to help people turn job loss into a chance for something better.

    If you or someone you care about is at risk of wrapping up into a blanket, like a human burrito of job loss depression, scroll up and hit the Buy button now.

    ©2024 Deborah E Levin (P)2024 Deborah E Levin

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