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Couverture de Catherine Wheels

Catherine Wheels

De : Leif Peterson
Lu par : Scott Brick
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    Thomas' carefully built life has been shattered. Everywhere he turns, he finds tragedy. After being left at the altar, he retreats to a remote castle in the mountains of Northwest Montana to live with an old college friend dying of lupus. But their painfully peaceful seclusion is ripped apart by the news that Thomas' brother, an Episcopal priest, has killed himself, and his sister-in-law is abandoning her seven-year-old daughter, Catherine, into Thomas' care.

    After her unexpected arrival into this grim corner of the world, Catherine slowly breaches the isolation and penetrates the self-absorption. Like the prayer wheel on the wall of a nearby convent, Catherine gently but surely pulls the various dying people around her into the robust company of the loving and living.

    Catherine Wheels is a lyrical novel of hope and redemption, the honest story of men and women who have had all the zest for life knocked out of them, damaged souls who are slowly brought back to health by a little girl who knows something the rest of them either never knew or had forgotten: something about prayer, love, and sacrifice.

    ©2005 Waterbrook Press (P)2005 Oasis Audio LLC

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