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Couverture de Cascade Manhunt

Cascade Manhunt

De : Rob Phillips
Lu par : Caleb Collins
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    After continuous complaints that a poaching ring is running rampant in Northeastern Washington, Fish and Wildlife police officer Luke McCain is assigned to go undercover to infiltrate the gang. Just as Luke and his fellow officers move to finally catch the poachers red-handed, one of the crooks flees into the mountains and Luke has to hunt him down.

    Days later, a serial killer suspected of killing dozens of women around the Northwest escapes from custody when a Department of Corrections van crashes in the rugged North Cascades. Luke and Jack are hand-picked by the governor to join the manhunt, and the pressure is on to find the fugitive before he disappears into the wilderness, possibly to reemerge and kill again.

    ©2023 Rob Phillips (P)2023 Rob Phillips


    "Thieving poachers, a corrupt cop, a psychopathic serial killer—multiple intriguing, fast-paced plots skillfully written to move along separate but parallel storylines toward an epic conclusion.... Cascade Manhunt, the latest edition to the Luke McCain thriller series leaves me wanting more." (Terry W. Sheely, author and writer)

    "As a retired Washington State undercover Fish and Wildlife detective, I found Rob’s book to be spot-on. I simply couldn’t put Cascade Manhunt down and am already thirsting for Rob’s next book." (Todd Vandivert, retired Washington State Fish and Wildlife Detective and author of the Wildlife Justice series)

    "Like Rob Phillips' earlier books in the Luke McCain series, unique characters make Cascade Manhunt come alive. A plotline that twists and turns through the backcountry woods of central Washington keeps your attention until the very end." (Dennis Dauble, author of Bury Me with My Fly Rod and Chasing Ghost Trout)

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