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Couverture de Carry On, Warrior

Carry On, Warrior

De : Glennon Doyle
Lu par : Glennon Doyle
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Discover the journey that led to the No. 1 international bestseller Untamed, from the life-changing guru that every woman needs

    'Here's my hunch: nobody's secure, and nobody feels like she completely belongs. Those insecurities are just job hazards of being human. On my deathbed, I'm not going to wish I had danced like JLo; I'm just going to wish I had danced more.'

    On Mother's Day, 2002, Glennon Doyle was unmarried, addicted to drugs, booze, food and bad love.

    But by a strange twist of fate, it was on this day that she discovered she was pregnant.

    After twenty years of wilful self-destruction, how could Glennon rise to the challenge of looking after the helpless, innocent child growing within her, when she couldn't even look after herself?

    This is the inspiring story of Glennon Doyle; the mother who, for the love of her child, was determined to change her life forever.

    Carry On, Warrior is the life-changing book by Glennon Doyle about the power of the love we hold for our family, and for ourselves.

    ©2023 Glennon Doyle (P)2023 Penguin Audio


    'This book will shake your brain and make your soul scream' Adele

    'Some books shake you by the shoulders while others steal your heart. Glennon does both at the exact same time' Brené Brown

    'Remarkable' Fearne Cotton

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