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  • Career Coach GPT

  • The Complete Guide to ChatGPT Resume, Cover Letter, Interview, and Job Search Success
  • De : Jeremy Schifeling
  • Lu par : Dave T. Koenig
  • Durée : 2 h et 20 min

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Career Coach GPT

De : Jeremy Schifeling
Lu par : Dave T. Koenig
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    How'd you like to have your very own career coach?

    But instead of $500 or $5,000, they're free.

    And they just happen to know more about every industry and job than any other coach in the world.

    Introducing Career Coach GPT - the world's first AI-powered career guru. Combining the expertise of LinkedIn insider Jeremy Schifeling (a former kindergarten teacher who landed jobs at Apple + Google) with the revolutionary power of ChatGPT, get ready to:

    1) Find your perfect career path - even if you don't have experience or a clear passion

    2) Turn your LinkedIn profile into a recruiter magnet - by using your AI algorithm to conquer LinkedIn's algorithm

    3) Design resumes and cover letters that get interviews nearly every time - by reverse-engineering Applicant Tracking Systems and generating tailor-fit applications

    4) Walk into interviews with 100% confidence - by predicting the most likely questions for each job and practicing live with your AI coach

    So if you're ready to go beyond generic advice from career blogs and get the bespoke guidance that only a private coach can provide, get ready for Career Coach GPT. And get ready to build a career - and a life - you love!

    ©2023 Jeremy Schifeling (P)2023 Jeremy Schifeling

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