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Couverture de Can't Fight the Feelings

Can't Fight the Feelings

De : Mimi Francis
Lu par : Jeremy Bartelt
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    Falling in love with his best friend’s sister wasn’t part of the plan.

    Mason Adler has been in love with Nate’s sister since they were kids. He thought he’d finally put those feelings behind him until a heartbroken Natasha shows up at their apartment in the middle of the night, needing a place to stay. After she moves in, Mason puts his feelings aside to give her whatever she needs.

    Natasha Garin’s life is in disarray. After she leaves her cheating boyfriend, she’s forced to move in with her twin brother Nate and his best friend Mason. Living with two bachelors isn’t easy, especially when long-buried feelings for her brother’s best friend start to surface. Mason shouldn’t be the guy she wants; they’re friends and that’s it. To her dismay, fighting those feelings gets harder with every passing day.

    In the fourth book of the Loves of Lakeside series, two friends discover long-buried feelings are more complicated than they ever could have imagined—fighting them might not be worth the battle.

    ©2023 Mimi Francis (P)2023 Mimi Francis

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