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Couverture de Candy Cane Challenge

Candy Cane Challenge

De : Melody Tyden
Lu par : Giancarlo Herrera, Hannah Schooner
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    One year ago, Holly and Jackson met when their best friends Gemma and Cole got together. There was an instant spark between them, but they were looking for different things. Holly wanted a fling, and Jackson was after love. When it came time for him to return to New York, they parted as friends, and Holly stayed behind in London.

    Now, Holly has come to New York for Gemma and Cole's wedding and to spend Christmas with the happy couple...and their best friend. It doesn't take long for Holly and Jackson to realize the electricity between them is still there, but the problem they had before hasn't gone away either. Holly thinks they should just have a good time, while Jackson's looking for a long time.

    In the spirit of the season, they agree to a challenge. Jackson will try to win Holly's heart while she does her best to get him into bed. Whoever gives in first is the loser–though as the challenge heats up, it seems less about winning and more about enjoying the game.

    When Christmas morning dawns, who will come out on top?

    This book contains content unsuitable for listeners under the age of 18.

    ©2021, 2023 Melody Tyden (P)2024 Melody Tyden

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