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  • Candma Goes to Heaven

  • A Family's Journey through the Loss of a Grandparent, Understanding Grief, Remembering and Cherishing Memories
  • De : Monica Burch
  • Lu par : Skye Alley
  • Durée : 7 min

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Candma Goes to Heaven

De : Monica Burch
Lu par : Skye Alley
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    "Candma Goes to Heaven" delves into the tender story of a young boy grappling with the profound loss of his beloved grandmother to cancer. This insightful children's grief book delicately navigates the process of explaining death to kids, shedding light on the emotions of such a significant loss.

    This book is a gentle guide to the mystery of death, instilling a hopeful perspective of heaven as an everlasting home. A poignant addition to kids' books about heaven, it illuminates the invisible string of connection that persists even after a loved one's passing, a comforting notion for grieving kids.

    In this story, the boy's parents play an instrumental role, engaging in candid conversations about their feelings and the reality of their loss. As a valuable resource among children's books about death, loss, and grief, this story encourages open discussion about these challenging subjects within the family.

    As the family forges ahead, they learn to celebrate the legacy of their loved one, carrying their cherished memories into the future. It's a moving testament to the resilience and the power of love, underscoring the importance of remembering loved ones.

    A vital new addition to children's books, "Candma Goes to Heaven" is a beacon of hope and healing, especially for those seeking African American family narratives. It's a tender testament to the enduring bond of the family unit.

    "Candma Goes to Heaven" is a comprehensive, gentle guide through the journey of grief and moving on, showing young listeners that love lives forever.

    ©2019 Monica Burch (P)2023 Monica Burch
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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