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Couverture de Can You See Me Now?

Can You See Me Now?

De : Trisha Sakhlecha
Lu par : Avita Jay, Aysha Kala
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    From Trisha Sakhlecha, Can You See Me Now? is a gripping psychological suspense thriller about a young Indian woman, now a government minister, whose past secrets are about to reverberate into the present and shatter her life. Perfect for fans of Lisa Jewell and Erin Kelly.

    Fifteen years ago, three 16-year-old girls meet at Wescott, an exclusive private school in India.

    Two, Sabah and Noor, are the most popular girls in their year. One, Alia, is a new arrival from England who feels her happiness depends on their acceptance.

    Before she knows it, Sabah and Noor’s intoxicating world of privilege and intimacy opens up to Alia and, for the first time, after years of neglect from her parents, she feels she is exactly where, and with whom, she belongs.

    But with intimacy comes jealousy, and with privilege, resentment, and Alia finds that it only takes one night for her bright new world to shatter around her.

    Now Alia, a cabinet minister in the Indian government, is about to find her secrets have no intention of staying buried....

    ©2021 Trisha Sakhlecha (P)2021 Macmillan Publishers International Limited

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