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Couverture de Can You Feel the Noise?

Can You Feel the Noise?

De : Stewart Foster
Lu par : Charlie Sanderson
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    A profound story about inner strength and perseverance in the face of a life-changing event, from the award-winning author of The Bubble Boy. Perfect for fans of R. J. Palacio's Wonder and Lisa Thompson's Goldfish Boy.

    Life is going well for Sophie. She’s getting by at school, has some pretty awesome friends and their band have made it through to the semifinals of the Battle of the Bands competition.

    But when Sophie wakes up completely deaf one morning, the life she once knew seems like a distant memory. With lessons replaced by endless hospital appointments, and conversations now an exercise in lip-reading, Sophie grows quieter and quieter. Until she discovers the vibrations of sound through an old set of drums and wonders whether life onstage is actually still within reach.

    Drawing on the author's own hearing impairment, Can You Feel the Noise? is a deeply personal and moving story that will stay with you long after listening.

    ©2022 Stewart Foster (P)2022 Simon & Schuster, UK
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "A wonderful book about overcoming a life-changing event and the remarkable power of music." (Lisa Thompson, author of The Goldfish Boy)

    "Powerful, moving and uplifting. This beautifully told story highlights the gift of perseverance." (Polly Ho-Yen, author of Boy in the Tower)

    "A moving, empathy-boosting, and hopeful story about a young musician navigating hearing loss." (Rashmi Sirdeshpande, author of Think Like a Boss)

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