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  • Can I Talk You Out of Breastfeeding?

  • A Quick Read on Everything That Can Be Challenging About Breastfeeding
  • De : Sophia Felder FNP IBCLC
  • Lu par : Lauren Street
  • Durée : 8 h et 52 min

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Can I Talk You Out of Breastfeeding?

De : Sophia Felder FNP IBCLC
Lu par : Lauren Street
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    This tongue-in-cheek book has the educational material modern parents are craving. Tired of hearing parents felt unprepared for the realities of breastfeeding (or infant feeding, in general), this author seeks to change the conversations we have around lactation. 

    As a family nurse practitioner and board-certified lactation consultant with an additional degree in psychology, she has a lot to add to the dialogue. Covering topics no other breastfeeding book dares, this is more than a how-to manual and gives real and practical information. 

    Mental health is at the forefront of this inclusive and dynamic book that covers all the challenges and all the options and gives the information that parents actually want. This book seeks to empower parents to make the best personalized decisions for their families from an informed space. Resources for when you hit snags included!

    ©2020 Sophia Felder FNP IBCLC (P)2022 Sophia Felder FNP IBCLC

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