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Can Evangelicals Learn from World Religions?

De : Gerald McDermott
Lu par : David Cochran Heath
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What is the nature of revelation in other world religions? And what can evangelicals learn from it?

In this provocative and thoughtful book, Gerald McDermott explores the theological concept of revelation and how evangelicals have responded to world religions. He then makes a case for God's having revealed himself outside of Israel and the church.

He also explores four case studies of how Buddhist, Daoist, Confucian, and Islamic understandings have enriched his own concepts of scriptural concepts.

©2000 Gerald McDermott (P)2005
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    "This book makes a solid contribution to the evangelical theology of religions. Leaving aside the issue of the fate of the unevangelized, it leads us to expect to learn from people of other faiths and not suppose that they have nothing to teach us. What a gracious and open spirit this message frees us to have." (Clark H. Pinnock, professor of theology, McMaster Divinity College)

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