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Couverture de Calypso, Corpses, and Cooking

Calypso, Corpses, and Cooking

De : Raquel V. Reyes
Lu par : Frankie Corzo
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    Fall festivities are underway in Coral Shores, Miami. Cuban-American cooking-show star Miriam Quiñones-Smith wakes up to find a corpse in her front yard. The body by the fake tombstone is the woman that was kicked out of the school's Fall Festival the day before.

    Miriam's luck does not improve. Her passive-aggressive mother-in-law puts her in charge of the Women's Club annual gala. But this year, it's not canapes and waltzes. Miriam and her girlfriends-squad opt for fun and flavor. They want to spice it up with Caribbean food trucks and a calypso band. While making plans at the country club, they hear a volatile argument between the new head chef and the club's manager. Not long after, the chef swan dives to his death at the bottom of the grand staircase.

    Was it an accident? Or was it Beverly, the sous chef, who is furious after being passed over for the job? Or maybe it was his ex-girlfriend, Anastasia?

    Add two possible poisonings to the mix, and Miriam is worried the food truck fun is going to be a major crash. As the clock ticks down and the body count goes up, her life is put in jeopardy. Will she connect the dots, or die in the deep freeze? Foodies and mystery lovers alike will savor the denouement as the truth is laid bare in this simmering stew of rage, retribution, and murder.

    ©2022 Raquel V. Reyes (P)2022 Dreamscape Media, LLC

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