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Couverture de Call of Cthulhu®: The Shadow on the Glass

Call of Cthulhu®: The Shadow on the Glass

De : Jonathan L. Howard
Lu par : Samuel Roukin
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    Victorian charlatans imperil reality when they unwittingly summon a horror from the void

    LONDON, 1891. Elizabeth Whittle and William Grant enjoy scalping London’s bourgeoisie, taking on the personas of grand spiritist Cerulia Trent and her agent to connect the living and the dead. When a detective arrives, sniffing out fraud with a scientifically minded spiritualist society, the duo decides to take one last job before escaping to the continent.

    However, their final séance ends horrifically … and soon Lizzie isn’t Lizzie anymore. William, desperate to banish whatever monster they summoned, is soon embroiled in an electrifying eldritch mystery where he makes a deal with the devil to save his friend and stop an even greater evil from transforming the known world.

    Hear the Call of Cthulhu in the menacing gaslit shadows of Victorian England

    ©2024 Chaosium (P)2024 Recorded Books

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