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Couverture de Café Deux Mondes

Café Deux Mondes

De : Catherine Browder
Lu par : Kevin Free
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    When the Khourys and McKissicks meet to share a neighborly meal, an adventure begins.

    Living in the changing ethnic landscape of Kansas City, one is a family of Syrian immigrants; the other, African Americans with roots in Louisiana. What brings them together is a love of food. Along with friendship, a dream takes root between the two mothers, Miriam and Tamara - starting a new restaurant that will feature the specialties from both of their traditions, the Caf Deux Mondes, or Two Worlds Cafe. Little do they know just what they are up against when they begin their little venture.

    From the skepticism of their churches to neighborhood crime, disaster always seems to be just around the corner.

    Award-winning writer Catherine Browder takes a warm look at the troubles and joys of the American melting pot, and how we can grow even from our failures.

    Ploughshares, the literary magazine of Emerson College.

    ©2014 Emerson College (P)2014 Audible Inc.

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