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  • CRISISstream with Dr. Mark Lerner: How to Handle a Natural Disaster, How to Deal with Illness or Injury

  • De : Dr. Mark Lerner
  • Lu par : Dr. Mark Lerner
  • Durée : 9 min

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CRISISstream with Dr. Mark Lerner: How to Handle a Natural Disaster, How to Deal with Illness or Injury

De : Dr. Mark Lerner
Lu par : Dr. Mark Lerner
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    A clinical and forensic psychologist, author, speaker, and chairman of the National Center for Emotional Wellness, Dr. Mark Lerner gives concise guidance and help to people going through many of life's most challenging experiences, including handling a natural disaster and how to deal with illness or injury.

    Dr. Mark Lerner is a clinical psychologist, traumatic stress consultant, and founder of "It's OK Not to Be OK". He is chairman of the National Center for Crisis Management and president of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. Dr. Lerner is the originator of the acute traumatic stress management intervention model and a member of the Expert Working Group on Crisis and Stress Management with the United Nations Department of Safety and Security.

    ©2020 Dr. Mark Lerner (P)2020 Dr. Mark Lerner

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