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COVID-19: Illness & Illumination

De : Lincoln Stoller
Lu par : Lincoln Stoller
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These chronicles mix physics, medicine, hypnotherapy, technology, culture, learning, politics, and the news surrounding the coronavirus from March through June of 2020. This is the first phase of the pandemic, before the expected second infection, and before any vaccine.

This mixing of perspectives is unusual. Few authors have the background to support it. Fewer recognize that integrating many perspectives is necessary to understand what has and is continuing to happen. The virus is not one thing having many impacts; it is many things happening with the virus at the center.

The situation cannot be understood without considering the chaotic forces and policies that formed it. There is no “one story”; no one authoritative point of view; no single, resolving explanation. Any such orderly presentation of events - and there will be many as various pundits, experts, and spokespeople present their cases - is one slice through a multidimensional event.

Much of what becomes evident has been brewing for years - maybe centuries - hidden in policies, bureaucracies, attitudes, economies, cultures, ecological injury, and other dynamics whose combustible elements were either segregated, inactive, unrecognized, or mutating toward this trigger point.

Each section in this audiobook ends with a hypnotic session presenting the material in a manner that engages your emotions and detaches you from your senses.

©2020 Lincoln Stoller (P)2021 Lincoln Stoller
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    "Finally, a thoughtful approach to the COVID-19 pandemic!" (George Plotkin, PhD, MD, medical director, UT Northeast Neurological Institute)

    "It is vital that this much-needed information reaches the public." (Roy Hunter, CHt, hypnotherapist, trainer, author of eight books on hypnosis)

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